
Find Your Personal Style

Have you ever paused to think about what makes a person a Fashion Icon? Or a Trend Setter?Personal Style. Anyone who has ever been respected for their fashion sense, has been held in such high regard because they had immaculate personal style. If you want others to admire your fashion sense- then you also need to find your own Wholesale personal style.Keep in mind, this is not about wearing whatever is trendy at the moment and buying into all the latest fashions. This is about expressing yourself and your personality through what you wear. Are you an artsy kind of girl? Then dress the part.. whether what you like is "in fashion" at the time or not. If you gravitate towards more glamorous styles.. then dress the part even when you are just running errands. Make your style and fashion choices your signature. This is the simplest way to not only stand out of a crowd- but to make others want to follow you. Trends only become so because someone decided it was cool to wear something- and others saw their style, loved it, then imitated them. Consider that it usually isn't designers or celebrities that start trends, though that can be the case. most of the time it is just regular girls with unique style. If you asked most designers or celebrities what their biggest inspiration is Cell Phone Styluses in terms of fashion.. they would stay street style. And 'street style' is referring to you. And Air Swimmers every other person with a killer sense of self that artfully demonstrates it through their apparel and dress. So find your personal style, whatever that may be. Dress the part everyday, and develop your style into something 360 Battery that is truly unique- just like you.

